Reviewers Needed

Dear Reviewer, I hope this blog finds you well. I have a three book series (soon to be five),a Christian Romantic Suspense, a fantasy/sci fi and A Christian Horror. They had been sitting for digital shelves because readers don’t think my books are any different then the next. I get many emails in my profession email from reviewers asking if I would like my book reviewed. I am skeptical because there is always something in it for you.

Here is what I want:

  1. I want readers who will leave reviews.
  2. Readers who can’t read my book.
  3. I want reviewers find my books worth reading and reviewing on their blogs and where you can leave reviews at.

What I don’t want:
1 Readers who downloads my book and never get to my book until three years later

2 Reviewers who are only interested in getting paid to review my book

3. Reviewers who already have a long tbr list.

If that is you, then stop right here.
You see my books are worth reading, but if you have to solicit me when you already have a full list, you are wasting my time.


Ruthie Madison.

2 thoughts on “Reviewers Needed

  1. Hey girl how are you? I’ve never previewed books for authors before and would like to start. Would you be interested in giving me a shot?

    1. You mean review books? Anyone can do it! All you need is an Amazon account and have at least spend $50 (stupid Amazon Policy), a Goodreads account. Give it a star rating and write what you don’t or do like about the book.

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