About The Yaphe Cover

Recently, I asked readers in a group, if they thought my cover looked like gay fantasy. The pose was the problem that led them to believe it. So, I’m going to tell you why I chose a younger sister leaning on her older sister.

Their names are Faith and Serene. And they need each other in their journeys. The story is told by Serene (The brunette) point of view.) She discovers that are mother came from another reality(In book its called dimension.) Her mother is a fugitive princess from the Yaphe Clan. She married a man from another reality and later have children. She puts her family at risk and forces them to move every time Faith has he nightmares.

Serene and her sister needs each other in their journeys. Without Faith, she wouldn’t have made it. And without Serene, she wouldn’t be able to pull through her nightmares about her mother’s people. Faith leans on her sister for the peace she needs.

It’s sad that my cover mislead the readers in the group. If I could afford to make another and afford the images, I could try to make two women not close together, but what’s the purpose of that? I wanted to show closeness.

My sister and I have been close and maybe that’s why I went with that image. We grew up in a family of both worlds. My mother was like the spiritual leader of the house. My father was in a world of his own. He claimed to be a Christian but showed no godly example. My mother raised us up the best she could and we have become a threesome. A saying goes, “The family who prays together, stays together.” WE stayed together until my mother’s death. My sister had been my inspiration to me. Her faith and encouragement keeps the fire burning in my heart. I wouldn’t have been able to make it in this life, if I didn’t have her with me.

So maybe the readers have never experienced that kind of closeness. Maybe they had two good sets of parents who raised them up right or maybe none at all.

But I don’t want to mislead those who don’t know me or never have read my books. I am getting ready to have a sequel published and it’s going to be great! But before I do that, I need to get more reviews on the Yaphe and in order to tract more readers, I want the cover to draw them in.

I know that there are some who have no problem with my cover, but they have already read my book or they know me well enough, but for those who don’t, I need to make the change no matter how painful it is. And because I don’t have the capability to make another one, I will have to hire a professional to make both covers.

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